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You Have Choices: How to quiet the noise and make good choices

Funny how EVERYONE, every doctor, every nurse, every concerned friend and family member just could not understand why I refused a mammogram and insisted on an ultrasound but now there are actual mobile companies for some of the exact reasons I didn’t want one. 

I now have a bill racked up over $50,000 and have maxed out my deductible and out-of-pocket following all the recommended diagnostic procedures. 

This is why healthcare costs are so high.

They’re trying to make me repeat an echocardiogram I had in April, so I can make sure 3 months of aggressive chemo I’d be begging them to save my life in August if didn’t take it- if it hasn’t damaged my heart too much so I can continue. 

Did you catch that-

The chemo they recommended is so aggressive it could damage my heart beyond repair and I wouldn’t be able to finish the recommended chemotherapy within 3 months.

Just like I refused their ridiculous unnecessary and inaccurate mammogram- I’m refusing their poison. 

I believe there are ways to heal your body from cancer that don’t further damage healthy cells.

I’m not repeating their echo because I never began their recommended treatment. 

Instead, I’ve eliminated as many toxins from my day-to-day, plastics, chemicals, carbs, and sugar. I’m working out daily, and eating strictly clean keto.

I’m healing cancer with diet, lifestyle, and mindset changes. 

It takes a lot of discipline.

I know this is why so many opt for that magic pill and drastically alter their lifespan and quality of life. 

It’s very challenging navigating the approved and non-approved products and helpful suggestions; it takes diligence and so much research.

So many things are recommended but when you dive deeper you find out that while broccoli has endless health benefits, it also has the potential to feed hormones and in my particular type of breast cancer, ER PR HER2 47%+, my hormones are feeding my cancer. 

My point? 


You have choices.

You just have to be already be aware of them.

Because your “doctor doesn’t know, and the pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to know” [good book btw]. 

