Something’s Wrong with the World Today…
It’s impossible to ignore the noise. Everyone has a theory, an opinion, or a thought on what’s going on. So, here’s mine:
What’s really happening?
What’s being left unsaid while we focus on the headlines?
How did it start, and why is it still happening?
And most importantly, what can we do to stop it?
These are the questions I ask myself, my family, my friends, and even scholars. But as much as I dig for answers, I always come back to this truth:
The way we change the world starts by looking in the mirror.
Shifting Our Focus
Instead of getting caught up in the details of chaos, what if we focused on what we can do as individuals to create positive change?
My grandmother’s wisdom echoes in my heart:
“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
This truth applies now more than ever. We can’t control the world’s chaos, but we can control how we respond to it.
Tomorrow will come—regardless of today’s challenges. We can either give our energy to the negativity or choose to have faith in God’s Timing, God’s Plan. There’s always good on the other side of pain, even if we can’t see it yet.
The Power of Choice
Here’s what I want you to understand:
- We have a choice.
- Everything we believe, say, and do influences our reality.
- Until we recognize that mindset is the key, we’ll continue experiencing turmoil.
God gave us free will—a gift and a responsibility. That means at any moment, we can choose to shift our mindset, let go of fear, and take bold steps toward the life we’re meant to live.
Are you ready to step into the fullness of who you are? Are you ready to be the King or Queen you were created to be?
Like Pastor Ty says:
“You are a King. You are a Queen under the mighty God, created in His image, perfect in His eyes, and capable of more than you’ve ever imagined.”
But you’ll never know your true potential unless you take an unwavering leap of faith into the unknown.
Let Go and Let God
The secret is simple but profound:
- Stop holding onto the fear of the unknown.
- Open your heart to the idea that God’s got you.
- Trust Him enough to let go of the old, scared version of yourself.
You can either spend your life worrying and creating more things to worry about—or you can choose to flow with life, embrace its surprises, and find beauty even in pain.
Mindset Matters
Hurt people hurt people. And most of us walk around so consumed by pain caused by others that we can’t focus on anything positive.
But here’s the truth:
- Pain is mental.
- It’s all about mindset.
- If we didn’t hold onto beliefs that offended us, we wouldn’t be offended.
When we shift our mindset and outlook, we influence the outcome.
If you believe the world is full of hope and goodness, you’ll see more of it.
If you believe it’s the end times and everything’s falling apart, you’ll experience that reality instead.
As my momma used to say when coaching softball:
“It’s not your attitude, but your aptitude that will determine your altitude.”
What the World Needs
The world doesn’t need more fear or blame. It needs better coping skills, more meaningful conversations, and peaceful debates about tough subjects.
This is how we heal. This is how we grow. And this is how we create a better world—not by focusing on what’s wrong, but by taking responsibility for what we can make right.
What choices will you make today to impact positive change?