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The World Today

“Something’s wrong with the world today…” so many thoughts to read on what’s going on in the world today so I thought hey- might as well chime in! Here are mine…

What’s really going on?

What significant things are going on that will also affect the people of our planet that aren’t being talked about while we’re talking about what we’re talking about?

How did it all begin?

When did it all begin?

What is the “all” I’m talking about?

Why is it still happening today?

What happens if we don’t stop it?

What can we do to stop it?

These are the questions I ask myself, my family, friends, scholars… I understand I’m leaving out a lot of details but that’s kind of my point…

The way we stop it is first, looking in the mirror. Taking the focus off the details of the chaos around us and focusing on what we can do as individuals to help impact positive change during these times.

My precious grandmother has always recited, The Prayer Of Serenity to me anytime I questioned the pain on this planet “Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change that which I can and the wisdom to know the difference”.

I feel this applies now, as ever. As well as “God’s Timing, God’s Plan“.

With so much uncertainty, it’s easy to lose sight of the big picture and get caught up in all the painful details but at the end of the day, the same truth remains; that we will make it through these times, one way or another- REGARDLESS of the details of what is happening now, currently, all around us.

One way, or another, tomorrow will come. And we can either give our attention and energy to the awful things going on or we can consciously choose to remain confident in God’s Plan, knowing that there is always good on the other side of pain.

The thing I’m over here trying to get others to understand is…

We can gripe, and complain, and point fingers, and blame everyone, for everything; but until we take a long hard look at where we got all our ideas that make this world unbearable for us as individuals; realize we have a choice- EVERYTHING is a choice, and decide to make the choices which will result in positivity, CONSISTENTLY – we will continue experiencing the same turmoil in one aspect of our lives or another.

Until we change our perspectives…

God gave us free will.

That can be applied to so many things.

To me, it ultimately means the choice, to make, and do, and be, and become anything, at any second, of any day.

And that’s the beauty in it all.

As difficult as it is to accept that we have the ultimate power and choice, it’s also liberating…

Liberating, because now, you realize that regardless of everyone and everything around you, that feels like you don’t have a choice one way or another, is really only fear of the unknown, trying to keep you small.

Are you going to continue playing small, or are you going to be the Queen (or King) that you are?

Because like Pastor Ty says, “that’s what you are!!!” Kings and Queens under the most mighty God, created in His image. Perfect in His eyes! CAPABLE of things you haven’t even thought of! More than you will ever know!

But you’ll never know.. unless you take an unwavering leap of faith into the unknown, of knowing that God’s got you. He will catch you, if you will allow yourself to fall in his arms. Fall away; from that old scared self, and open up your arms, and heart, and thoughts to the idea that all you have to do is “let go, and let God”; and “every little thing is gonna be alright“.

Each and every human being on this planet has the will to choose to either continue to create more and more things to worry about by worrying about every little thing; or you can choose to go with the flow of life; enjoying it’s little surprises, and knowing there’s always sunshine after the rain, and there is beauty to be found in pain.

Hurt people, hurt people.

And, most are walking this planet, so consumed of thoughts of pain caused by another, we can’t focus on anything other than the negative parts of our life and feel hopeless and lack the motivation required to thrive amongst the pain.

“Pain is mental”. Actually, it is… it’s all a mindset… If we didn’t hold the beliefs that caused us to be offended, we wouldn’t be offended.

Therefore, mindset, really does matter. Your outlook is more important than the details of what is currently…

If you believe there is still good in the world, and a lot of it; that you are a child of God, and a powerful, anointed, ambassador for Jesus’ way of thinking and living; doing your part to lead others with positivity and strength, then we really have nothing to worry about…

If you believe the world is being overrun by thugs, and it’s the end times- that’s what you, and more, and more will experience.

We can influence the outcome by our outlook.

My momma used to say (when she coached us in lil’ league softball) “It’s not your attitude but your apptitude that will lead you to your altitude.

It’s true…

Coping skills

We need more and better coping skills and to take more opportunity to have peaceful debates about difficult subjects.

This is what’s wrong with our world today…