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Overall Health and Wellness

Every once in a while, someone will come across a comment or stumble across my page and end up contacting me to ask “what I did to heal myself from multiple auto immune diseases”…

The biggest things I’ve done are:

  1. Mindset: Loving myself and allowing myself to really enjoy my food when I do indulge.
  2. Remembering everything in moderation and eating strategically; viewing food as fuel rather than enjoyment.
  3. Incorporating activity into my lifestyle.  Walking to work, taking the stairs, doing yard work, manual labor, parking farther away so I get more steps in, even jogging to and from parking sports to keep my body guessing. 
  4. Deep breathing, cold showers and yoga as well as grounding and meditation.
  5. Green smoothies, get the recipe HERE!! 
  6. Gratitude practice
  7. Journaling
  8. Intermittent fasting(but more intuitive not aggressively) 
  9. There have been periods of time I’ve followed the “candida diet” and “Daniel fast”

That’s really it. I do some squats and lift some kettle bells occasionally but more than anything, I contribute to my healing to my overall shift in mindset. 

If you’d like to chat more about this, schedule your Strategy Session now!