Every once in a while, someone will come across a comment or stumble across my page and end up contacting me to ask “what I did to heal myself from multiple auto immune diseases”…
The biggest things I’ve done are:
- Mindset: Loving myself and allowing myself to really enjoy my food when I do indulge.
- Remembering everything in moderation and eating strategically; viewing food as fuel rather than enjoyment.
- Incorporating activity into my lifestyle. Walking to work, taking the stairs, doing yard work, manual labor, parking farther away so I get more steps in, even jogging to and from parking sports to keep my body guessing.
- Deep breathing, cold showers and yoga as well as grounding and meditation.
- Green smoothies, get the recipe HERE!!
- Gratitude practice
- Journaling
- Intermittent fasting(but more intuitive not aggressively)
- There have been periods of time I’ve followed the “candida diet” and “Daniel fast”
That’s really it. I do some squats and lift some kettle bells occasionally but more than anything, I contribute to my healing to my overall shift in mindset.
If you’d like to chat more about this, schedule your Strategy Session now!