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Exploring Organic Options at Costco: A Health-Conscious Journey!

This morning, my sister and I ventured into @costco and were pleasantly surprised by the abundance of organic choices available! While not everything is organic, it’s still a budget-friendly alternative compared to other stores like Sprouts.

I even managed to repurpose our garage’s empty mini-fridge to stash my snacks conveniently close by, without crowding the kitchen fridge!

When it comes to nuts, my knowledge is clear: I steer clear of cashews, peanuts, and almonds due to their lectin content. Instead, I opt for lectin-free options, like those pictured, which are perfect for my health journey.

Costco continues to impress with its variety and affordability, making it easier to maintain a protein-packed diet without breaking the bank.

As I continue my journey towards health and wellness, Costco remains a go-to for quality organic options. It’s all about making informed choices and finding what works best for you!

Discover more about Costco’s organic selection and share your favorite health-conscious finds using #protein #costco #jenhealscancer #eattohealcancer. Let’s inspire each other on this journey to better health!



