Exclusive access to a group of woman entrepreneur mentors
Have you ever needed to talk something out, rationalize your analyzation of your situation but didn’t really have anyone you felt comfortable confiding in because they only give advice from their perspective?
Something that if you had the cash flow to invest in a business consultant or psychotherapist you would but you don’t? This group is for you!
Get clear on EXACTLY how you want your day-to-day to feel… physically, mentally and your business.
Transform your mindset, daily methods of operation and daily routines; eliminating frustration and overwhelm.
Design beautiful content that uniquely represents your brand and mission and, how YOU will stand out online.
Learn how to leverage the power of social media to attract your ideal clients, and reach and impact the lives of thousands.
Begin creating the business of your dreams – finally feel worthy of charging what you deserve.
Grow confident trusting your intuition, living outside expectations and walking the path you’re being lead to walk.
My first brick and mortar business turned into a full on restaurant; that began as a “Wellness Center”!
There are no words for the complete overwhelm and utter frustration I felt when faced with closing my “baby”!
I’m here to help you sift through all the ins and outs of Small Business Entrepreneurship.
Seasoned, or just starting out, I wish I had one of me when I began my last business venture!
I’d love to help you navigate this exciting journey!