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Livin’ on a Prayer: Healing stage four metastatic breast cancer

Have you ever stopped to think about those phrases we hear so often that they’ve become clichés? The ones we tend to brush off until one day, they suddenly take on a whole new meaning

The Lessons Hidden in Everyday Analogies

Consider this:

  • Planned maintenance increases a vehicle’s longevity and performance.
  • The right fuel grade can make a big difference in efficiency and output.
  • Hiring the right people and investing in the right training can skyrocket productivity, while holding on to stagnant ideas, outdated policies, and even the wrong people can stifle growth and momentum.

The same principles apply to our health, relationships, and mindset:

  • The food we eat can either fuel disease or heal it.
  • Our thoughts, feelings, and words literally speak life or death into existence.

The Balancing Act

Navigating the balance between loyalty and doing what’s best for the long-term goal is never easy.

Making the decision to choose one over the other can be heart-wrenching, yet it’s often necessary.

I’ve had to walk away from:

  • Dreams.
  • People.
  • Businesses.
  • Employers.
  • Doctors.
  • Friends.

Not because they weren’t good, but because they weren’t aligned with my long-term purpose.

Seasons of Change

“Sometimes things are meant to be for a reason, sometimes a lifetime, and sometimes only a season.”

When we neglect things—when we put them off for another day or take them for granted—they often come back to us, sometimes in ways we didn’t expect.

That’s why it’s so vital to:

  • Feel the nudges telling you, “It’s time to make a change.”
  • Listen to those whispers and adjust before frustration, time, money, and potential are wasted.

Trusting the Process

  • Call in an expert when you need help.
  • Know when to make a move and be courageous in your inspirations.
  • Stop letting fear dictate the timing of your decisions.
  • Trust your intuition and let it guide you back to truth.

Return to Taking Care of You

It’s all about planned maintenance—taking proactive steps to care for yourself and your goals before you’re broken down and “livin’ on a prayer.”

We can get there. And more importantly, we can love each other through it.

I believe in you. I love you. Let’s keep moving forward together.

Closing Thoughts

Whether it’s your car, your health, your career, or your relationships, the principle is the same: invest in the right maintenance, fuel, and mindset to keep things running smoothly.

We’ve got this. God’s timing is perfect. And we’re all going to be okay.

#LivinOnAPrayer #FaithfullyFearless #GodsTimingIsPerfect #GodsPlan #TakingCareOfMe #ILoveYou #WeGotThis #WereAllGoingToBeOkay #KingdomWork #BiggerThanMe