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Living Intentionally: Moring routines, protips and more

You play like you practice

Something my Daddy has always said to me throughout life… 40 years later…  I couldn’t agree more.

As an ADD sufferer (more on coping with it here), chaos has been the bane of my existence!  When “things” are unorganized, it takes an act of congress to motivate me to want to get to work on the task at hand.  Its like an uncontrollable urge of needing to organize my workspace (no matter how large)- I need organization like I need to breath.

I’m going out on a limb here and telling you, you need a morning routine, like you need to breath!

I simply can not find the words to express the importance of this.  It is so vital to my over all outlook and therefore success.  A day of all hell breaking loose is enough to get me back on tract.

The days where I schedule in time and intentionally stick to my plan, are the days where I can and have conquered the world!  When I’m most inspired and creative. When I feel most alive and want to be.

The days I convince my lazy self, I’ll be fine without my morning pep talk and motivation, are the days I rethink this planet earth thing.

Making more sense of Morning Routines…

Here are a few things I’ve applied to my morning routine that help in keeping me motivated and ready to face anything life wants to throw at me.

  1. Shower (haha, I know but seriously- the entrepreneur lifestyle sometimes got you feeling like “oh, I’ll shower after”… and after never comes and then someone’s walking through your front door and you’re still in no bra- dishes  e v e r y w h e r e  mode. Plus, this really does get me feeling more like not looking like a hood rat all day.
  2. Pray. Pray. and Pray. and some more!   Honestly, I think it’s the only thing that gets me through some days. “God’s Timing, God’s Plan” will be tattooed on my bicep soon, very soon. “Should be my middle name” kind of thing!
  3. Pray for guidance. and strength to get you through the day. For patience and understanding and a loving heart.
  4. Move. Walk, Yoga, Play Fetch with the dog… So many simple things do so much good. I’m not saying you have to sign up for CrossFit.
  5. Ground yourself and your house and your thoughts.
  6. Think Positively– recite positive affirmations and speak only positive words and phrases.
  7. Be kind to yourself and eat well.
  8. Meditate, on struggles and challenges as well as positive things and dreams.
  9. Be grateful for anything and every single thing and experience of every single day.
  10. Journal and plan your day– preferably morning and night.These are the ways I attempt sanity each day. Lord knows choosing to continue to live each day isn’t the easiest.  This is my way of giving back and helping in just a little way, make the days a little less chaotic and overwhelming so that you can begin to enjoy your life, now, even through the darkness and pain. 💓💓💓