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  • Reading time:4 mins read

My Infertility journey…

Life is what it is.

Find something else to focus on.

Accept God’s Plan for your life and live in the now.

You don’t have to participate in what everyone else is doing just because everyone else is doing it.

Even when it comes to procreation, getting married, what you do for a living, how you live your life, daily.

Trust, that if you stay focused on what you can control and apply that to the now, your feelings of despair will fade.

There will be days that are more difficult than others to bare, but you will prevail, if that is what you choose.

I could fill in all the gaps and details but the truth is, they don’t matter.

All that really matters is now.

And you. Your life matters.

Don’t spend years unhappy because you missed out on something everyone else is doing.

They’re not doing what you’re doing because God has a different plan for their life.

God has a different plan for you.

My journey has been a long one…

It took years to get properly diagnosed, bouncing around from one doctor taking one look at me and asking how much work I miss due to illness and because I didn’t miss work because I couldn’t afford to, they’d pass me off as hypochondriac- literally telling me the lump in my right breast now, stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, was “all in my head because my grandmother was going through radiation for breast cancer at the time (2005).

I could go on for hours with details of each surgery, round of chemo (Lupron- the same chemo they give to prostate cancer patients), the years of hoping for a positive pregnancy test, how it ultimately was the “straw that broke the camels back” in my marriage, the years of therapy and inner work but the biggest message I have is SELF ADVOCACY. Every disease, and condition I’ve ever dealt with could have been prevented and could have been caught early rather than all too late, had doctors listened and believed me the first time.

Only you know when something is wrong. No matter how many arrogant, misled doctors dismiss you and gaslight you into thinking you’re just a pussy or crazy, it’s all in your head, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. Because, unfortunately, no one is going to adequately advocate for you.

I love you.

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