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Get used to the stick

Taking a Break From the Life of Cancer

Last week, I made a choice: I took the week off.

I needed a break—not from life, but from the constant demands of living with cancer. My body needed rest from all the appointments and needle sticks. My mind needed to escape the ever-present reminder that my body is in a fight for health.

The Challenges of Treatment

I understand the necessity of a chemo port. Being stuck over and over in the same vein is exhausting, especially with the added complication of cancer in the lymph nodes of my right arm. (That means no blood draws or blood pressure checks on that side.)

It’s another layer to navigate in this journey, but I’m learning to adapt.

Encouraging News

Today brought some relief and clarity:

  • The spot in my abdomen? Most likely endometriosis.
  • The spot on my liver? I don’t remember the official terms, but it’s fine.

These are victories I’m grateful for, even in the midst of this larger battle.

A Lifestyle Shift

Since April 17, I’ve made dramatic changes to my lifestyle:

  • Cutting out 99% of sugar, processed food, dairy, grains, and plastic.
  • Embracing healthier, cleaner choices in every aspect of my life.

The results? I’m amazed (but not surprised) by how much the lumps have shrunk.

These changes aren’t easy, but they’re worth every effort.

Looking Ahead

Two weeks from tomorrow, I’ll have my first ozone and vitamin C infusion.
I’m so thankful for my FSA account, which makes this treatment possible.

This journey is far from over, but every step forward fills me with hope and determination.

A Message for Others

To anyone walking a similar path:

  • Take breaks when you need them. Rest isn’t just okay—it’s necessary.
  • Celebrate small victories. Every step forward, no matter how small, is progress.
  • Trust your journey. It’s unique to you, and that’s okay.

We’re in this together, and healing—however it looks for each of us—is always worth pursuing.

#EndometriosisAndMe #OzoneTherapy #JenHealsCancer #HealCancer #AlternativeTreatments #JensJourney #ItsYourJourney #ProgressNotPerfection