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Get used to the stick

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last week I took the week off. I needed a break from the life of cancer.  My body needed rest from all the appointments and sticks. My mind needed to escape the constant reminder that my body needs help fighting to be healthy. 

I understand the need for a chemo port- it’s exhausting being stuck over and over in the same vein (cancer in lymph nodes in my right arm so I can’t have blood drawn or blood pressure taken in my right arm).

Today I got the all clear on the spot in my abdomen- most likely endometriosis. The spot on my liver- I don’t remember the official terms but it’s fine. 

I’ve cut out 99% of sugar, processed food, dairy, grains, plastic and so many other changes since 4/17 and I’m amazed but not surprised at how much the lumps have shrunk. 

Two weeks from tomorrow, I get to have my first ozone and vitamin C infusion. 

Thank God for my FSA account.






