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Dream BIG: “God wants to show out!”

Dreaming Big Again: The Power of Faith, Patterns, and Possibility

My brain has always been over-analytical—it’s just the way I’m wired.

I naturally pick up on patterns, and I tend to short-circuit when things feel unnecessarily difficult or unproductive. Somewhere along my journey, though, I learned to shift my mindset.

Instead of dwelling on excuses or reasons why something won’t work, I started looking for the how.

Don’t tell me no. Let’s talk about how we can make it happen.

The Beauty of God’s Timing

God’s timing is so perfect—it truly leaves me in awe.

When you pray bold, audacious prayers and circle those prayers with faith, He delivers in ways that are nothing short of miraculous.

It feels like my life moves in these seven-year cycles—patterns of renewal, reflection, and transformation.

Repeating Patterns of Blessings

Lately, I’ve noticed striking similarities between:

  • Life events I’ve experienced before.
  • Books I’m drawn to reread.
  • New ideas, concepts, and “best practices” that come back into focus.

It’s as though these patterns are weaving together a bigger picture, showing me that I’m exactly where I need to be.

Dreaming BIG Again

“I’m dreaming again.”

But this time, it’s not just dreaming—it’s dreaming BIG again.

With every prayer, I feel a renewed sense of purpose, possibility, and excitement. I can’t wait to see what unfolds because if God permits, the answers to these prayers will not only change my life but bless so many others.

A Request for Prayer

Please join me in praying for answered prayers.

If it’s in God’s plan, it will be life-changing beyond words. The blessings to come will ripple out to so many others, and I’m already so grateful for the possibilities.

Gratitude, Faith, and Living Intentionally

This season of life reminds me of the power of faith, intention, and a grateful mindset. When we align our hearts with God’s purpose, incredible things happen—not just for us but through us.

#LordWilling #AudaciousPrayers #DreamingBigAgain #TheBestIsYetToCome #KingdomWork #GratefulMindset #BecauseWeAreCapable #YogaInThePark #RainedOut #MyriadBotanicalGardensOKC #YogaFlows #IntentionalLiving