Have you ever wished you had "another me"?

Hi, I’m Jen, a pragmatic business consultant with over 20 years of experience in helping alleviate daily challenges and frustrations in business, life, and health.

My passion lies in helping businesses thrive and succeed and using my expertise to help make that happen.

As a go-to consultant for companies looking to excel in a competitive market, I have a wealth of knowledge and proven strategies to share.

If you’re feeling frustrated and ready to throw in the towel, I can help you turn things around and achieve the success you’ve been dreaming of.

Don’t give up just yet – get in touch with Jen today and take the first step towards a brighter future for your business.

Unlock the Secret to Increased Efficiency and Productivity Without Breaking the Bank:

Looking for ways to optimize your business operations but hesitant to invest in a personalized consultant? Look no further! With over 20 years of experience, I specialize in alleviating the day-to-day frustrations and overwhelm that business owners and their teams often face.

Through strategic planning that works within your budget, I can help you access and implement efficient processes to streamline your operations. Additionally, I can assist in hiring and training the right people to support your projected growth plan, allowing you to focus on generating more revenue and making a greater impact.

Don’t let obstacles hold you back from achieving your business aspirations. Let me help you streamline your processes and maximize your efficiency for long-term success.

“Success is not about avoiding frustration and overwhelm, but about mastering the art of navigating through them.


Embrace the challenges, pivot when necessary, and watch your business thrive.”

Jennifer Owens

Embracing Success Through a Diverse Career Path

I've been very fortunate to collaborate with numerous successful companies and teams over the years, such as:

Are you looking for a way to unlock your business's full potential and motivate your team to succeed?

What I Do

As a business executive, it can be all too easy to become mired in the minutiae of daily operations and feel inundated by the sheer volume of work that must be accomplished.

Fear not, for there are tailored solutions available to help you surmount these frustrations and elevate your enterprise to new heights.

By leveraging expert data analysis and sharp operational acumen, you can take strategic steps to overcome obstacles and confidently navigate your path forward.

Don’t let the challenges of business ownership hold you back any longer – seize the reins and propel your organization toward success.

My Skills

Strategic planning is key to business success, and my consulting services are tailored to help clients navigate the complexities of today’s competitive landscape.

With a focus on employee engagement, high-quality branding, marketing strategy, and operational efficiency, I work closely with clients to develop clear roadmaps for success.

Drawing on over 20 years of experience as a photographer and graphic designer, I help businesses create a cohesive visual identity that resonates with their target audience.

How I Can Help

I can help you streamline your business processes and maximize your efficiency.


Whether you need help outlining and organizing your workflows, implementing new systems, or empowering your employees through strategic hiring and training, I have the skills and expertise to help you achieve your goals.

Work with me!

Call me – 405-933-5492

Write me – jen@anotherme.com

Connect with me!