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Wake Up America: Your food is banned in other countries.

What’s More Sad? 🤔💔

Let me pose a question:

What’s more heartbreaking?

  • Poor people being unable to buy food with adequate nutrition?
  • People being miseducated about what’s “healthy” and developing disease as a result?

At first glance, these seem like opposite issues, but let me explain how they’re connected…

The Reality of Misinformation and Poverty

Over the last few years, I’ve learned so much about which foods are truly good for me and which are not. But here’s the thing: knowing what’s healthy and being able to afford it are two very different battles.

When you’re poor, like I’ve been, you can’t afford organic produce, quality supplements, or the resources that support true health. Your energy goes into survival—working, coming home, and doing it all over again.

Meanwhile, people with the means to eat healthy often fall victim to misinformation. So many harmful products are marketed as “health foods,” but they’re filled with ingredients like soy (which, in my case, alters hormones and could feed aggressive cancer).

It’s a tragic cycle:

  • Those who can afford healthy choices often fail because of the misinformation surrounding food.
  • Those who can’t afford it are left with no choice but to trust a system that prioritizes profit over wellness.

And for people like me—fighting cancer—many are told that without aggressive chemotherapy and hormone blockers, they’ll die. I’ve now heard this from three different surgeons and oncologists, five separate times.

A Small Win in My Journey

Despite these challenges, tomorrow marks a step forward: my first ozone and high-dose vitamin C infusion.

I’m thrilled because this wasn’t something I thought would be possible for me financially. But they accept my FSA card—a true blessing!

This treatment feels like a lifeline in a system that often overlooks natural and alternative therapies.

A Bigger Picture of Sadness

Let me share one more thought:

At work, we’ve been hosting a food drive for the last two months. Looking into the donation box, I couldn’t help but notice something: there isn’t a single item in there that’s truly fit for human consumption.

I know that sounds harsh (and maybe my “cancer-made-me-cynical” self is showing), but here’s the truth:

  • If you shouldn’t consume something while fighting cancer, should anyone really consume it?
  • What does it say about our food system when much of what’s donated to help others is processed, nutrient-deficient, and laden with chemicals?

A Call to Awareness

This isn’t just about me—it’s about all of us.

  • If you can afford better, educate yourself about what’s truly healthy.
  • If you’re struggling financially, know that you deserve better, too.
  • And if you’re fighting cancer, like me, don’t be afraid to question everything.

We live in a world where much of our food is banned in other countries. That alone should be a wake-up call.

Gratitude and Hope

Tomorrow’s treatment is a reminder of the blessings that can show up even in the hardest times. I’m choosing to focus on gratitude, hope, and the belief that healing is possible—on my terms.

Let’s all strive to be more aware, more compassionate, and more empowered in the choices we make.

#JustSayin #PSA #AmericaYourFoodIsBannedInOtherCountries #EatToHeal #OzoneTherapy #HighVitaminC #MindsetMatters #JenHealsCancer #SayNoToChemo