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Wake Up America: Your food is banned in other countries.

What’s more sad:

Poor people being poor and therefore unable to buy food with adequate nutrition or,

People being miseducated on which foods are “healthy” and therefore developing disease?

I know these seem opposite ends of the spectrum, but allow me to correlate…

Over the last few years I’ve been well educated and what foods are “good for me” and which are not but I’ve been very poor, unable to afford to shop organically, buy good supplements, and do much more than work and come home. So many people that can afford to eat healthy try to and fail because so many harmful products are promoted as “health food”. 

It’s all very sad to me. People that can afford it, do, but fail because they don’t know that nearly every product at non-health food stores contains soy which is altering your hormones which could be feeding your aggressive cancer- in my case. People that can’t afford it, you’re only option is to listen to the doctors who’ve told you now 5 times between the three surgeons/oncologists that I “will die without aggressive chemotherapy and hormone blockers”. 

Tomorrow is my first ozone and high vitamin C infusion! I’m excited! This is something I did t think were possible but they take my FSA card! 

Such a blessing!

Btw, we’ve been having a food drive at work the last two months and sadly, there isn’t a single thing in this box that is fit for human consumption! That’s my cancer made me MORE cynical self talking but seriously- if you shouldn’t consume it when you have cancer, you probably shouldn’t consume any of it, ever.









