Act Black

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Always have to have the last word…

I wait to speak on hot topics; until I am inspired to convey a message for all; aiming to help bridge opposite perspectives…

Have you ever heard “there are three sides to every story”?

When it comes to conflict, we typically see three categories:

-people that agree with the controversy

-people that disagree

-people that are somewhere in the middle.

In politics, we call it conservative, liberal, and moderate; or republican, Democrat, and independent.

In life: gullible, skeptical of everything, guilty until proven innocent, and then still guilty; and the ones that sit back, listen to all sides, all view points, and investigates independently of what’s normal and “trendy” and draws their own conclusions and opinions based on facts rather than the drama I hear, are labeled as “crazy”, “out there”, “have their head in the sand” “in denile” “a conspiricy theorists” .

So, here are my conclusions thus far regarding politics, the current world and national events, the pain going on in the world, and how we begin to fix it:

Our focus is all wrong.

Lack of gratitude.

It’s simple really…


Everything. E V E R Y T H I N G comes down to our internal vibe.

How we feel the greatest percentage of the time. What percentage of our thoughts are uplifting and life-giving and what percentage are less than what I just described?

How we feel most consistently is what influences our experience of life.

How we visualize and replay our past and anticipation of the future, is basically creating a road map for how you want your life to play out.

“What you focus on, grows”

If we don’t worry about anything, you won’t have anything to worry about.

Your vibe attracts your tribe.

If you long for something, that feeling generates a certain vibe.

Like, attracts like.

If you’re feeling a certain type of way, consistently, you’re going to attract/create the same kind of experiences over and over again.

This is why so many of us find ourselves repeating the same perpetual cycle, over and over and over again.

This is why people experience chronic physical pain as well.

There’s so much mental connection to pain, and overall well being, and life that it should blow your mind, and inspire your to consume your life with strategically planning, analyzing every aspect of you personally, and adjusting accordingly.

{ I’ve created a “START HERE” transformation kit, FREE for you to download that you can access here if you’re ready to begin creating a life you actually want to live, if you find yourself frustrated or overwhelmed}

The Man In The Mirror.

MJ truly had this right.

If we want to see healing and more love in our world, we must begin with ourselves. And while we are focused on healing and loving our selves more, it will naturally become easier to love others and heal our world.

World Events and Politics

My conclusions on what’s going on in the world and how we fix it:

Well, how we fix it, is easy, I just outlined those steps above.

The reason there are people in the world participating in evil and destruction is because of what I outlined above.

Hurt people, hurt people.

Hurt people focus on all kinds of things going on around them to distract them from what’s going on, which causes us to remain in that space of feelings of lack; financially, physically and emotionally.

People beyond myself understand this concept. People with much more money and power than me.

They also understand you are a threat when you ask questions.

I once lived numb to caring about what was going on around me.

Numb to feelings of desiring peace, and love, and compassion, and kindness, and focused on all my pain, and the evil going on in the world. On prescribed anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds as well as sleep aids and pain pills. Which you can imagine, really only perpetuates these cycles.

Those same people with all that control, believe they were sent here to further a specific agenda that has been strategically planned, and attempted for eons upon eons, and very closely completed.

“All you need to control the world is to convince the 99% that the 1% is on their side.”

Which brings me to the Black Lives Matter movement…

One view of the BLM movement is the organization-did you realize it’s more than a movement? It’s an actual non-profit organization that accepts donations so they can help fund their support for “issues that affect the black community”.

One of the most recent world issues the organization is supporting is the protesting of police brutality in response to George Floyd.

The opposition, has stumbled upon the financial data showing record of how the majority of the money donated to support “Black Issues” is being then donated to the Bernie Sanders Campaign, Jo Bidens Campaign, Mayor Pete, Elizabeth Warren and other democratic politicians and committees.

In essence, the opposition’s argument is the people supporting the BLM movement, that are protesting and burning down our country, are giving all their money to people “acting black” in essence, ” rich white people” saying they care about black people, but actually support, and make policy that further suppresses black people, and minorities as a whole.

BLM supporters say “so, they should be able to do whatever they want with that money” but cut you off before you can tell them that, the “white people they support, do not actually care about black issues; they only care about black votes; and will say whatever they have to say to get them.

The problem here, again, is the focus is all wrong…

My question is why?

Why do we have “rich white people” politicians making decisions for our country as a whole?

Why do we have corrupt “rich white people” without degrees or political appointment making decisions for us?

How do we begin to change that?

What policies need to be thrown out,and which policies do we need to write to replace them with?

Which politicians need to be thrown out?

Why aren’t their term limits in certain government positions?

Why aren’t there more “good people” running for office?

Who holds state and local government accountable?

What can the average person do, help make a positive change?


Our focus must be on what is best for the absolute whole, not just the majority.

Our focus must be on the overall assessment of our lives; how each category is performing based on where we would like to be, and then plan accordingly by capitalizing on our strengths and helping each other improve our weaknesses.

We must then, lead by example and teach others to do the same; holding all state and local officials’ “feet to the fire” and supporting reform by not just complaining, but actually, proactively participating in positive change, and electing quality representatives of sound morals, and integrity.

We must then, do everything we can daily, to stay in that space of love, and compassion, and integrity- doing what’s right when no one is looking.

THEN we can relax in the knowing that we have prepared well, and that God’s timing is perfect, and to confidently trust his plan.

When we are uncertain of our ability we doubt the outcome.

When we have prepared, we have no excuses, but to have faith in God’s Plan.

This is how WE begin to fix it.

Life is hard. But, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as we have a tendency to make it.

Everything is choice.

Choose kindness and compassion.

Love wins 💓💓💓