About Jen
Food, fitness, family and fun are my jams! But, that hasn’t always been the case! In 2008, I was blessed with multiple autoimmune diagnosis’s…
Today, I enjoy sharing the wisdom I’ve learned along my journey to health and happiness after Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer diagnosis on my 43rd birthday, that have helped me most in creating a life I really enjoy!
I grew up in a small town outside of Oklahoma City, next door to my grandparents’ farm with LOTS of family close by.
I was an athlete and an older sister. Married young, didn’t finish college. Adopted my daughter, now in college, before finding out about my #infertility; that I couldn’t conceive naturally or carry successfully.
I’ve since divorced and spent several years as a single Mom; Multiple Streams of Income Earner; Multiple Small Businesses Owner; Present Aunt; Sister; Daughter, Granddaughter and Dog Mom.
{UPDATE} I just got married!!!! Plenty of juicy podcast conversation around this to share so be sure and tune in to the PODCAST
{UPDATE} We adopted puppies!!!!
They are seriously THE LIGHT of my life! (Sorry, Babe); follow me on IG/lildogchronicles for the most precious pup pics you’ve ever seen!!!
{UPDATE} And we’re divorced 🙁
More on that here, it’s heart breaking. I’m still (3 years later) morning the love of my life, who’s still alive. It’s a daily battle but it gets fewer and farther between!
{UPDATE} I’m working full-time again, for a local Materials Handling/Forklift Parts, Service, Rental, Sales company as Marking Coordinator, Even Manager, Training Facilitator and Outreach Manager.
{UPDATE} Diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer last April. I continued to work full-time until February of 2024 where I (gratefully) was able to go on short disability with my current full-time employer. In April, my parents generously took me to MD Anderson Houston and that helped tremendously. More on that here.
My professional background is in Office Management/Administration; Photography; Graphic design; Interior Decorating; Event Planning and Hospitality to name a few.
I’ve traveled quite a bit but I don’t think I will ever get enough of it, or snow skiing! I HATE working out traditionally; LOVE to cook, and enjoy the heck out of some food!!!
Today, I’m the happiest and healthiest I’ve ever been but It’s been a very long journey…
I’ve found transforming my mindset, outlook, daily routines, priorities, diet and exercise have all provided relief from multiple severe autoimmune diseases and chronic pains as well as a lifetime of depression and anxiety as well as the constant feelings of frustration and overwhelm in my personal relationships and overall fulfillment.
Today, 2024, “I don’t want to die anymore”…
The physical and mental nightmare I lived for over a decade is in the distant past and I believe my purpose on this planet is to share what I’ve learned along my journey with anyone sick of being sick and tired and ready for a different experience in this lifetime.
I’ve worked with people from all types of backgrounds, ages and status quos all over the planet and enjoy empowering others so they too can thrive!
I’m no expert! But I’ve studied with and have partnered with a many! I listen to their teachings regarding mind body spirit healing, food and fitness hack, apply their wisdom and share what I learn.
Basically, I give you the cliffs-notes to transformation!- IF YOU ARE READY, I will help you Create a Life YOU want- AMONG the chaos and daily expectations!
Listen to the podcast: Random Thoughts- Some Useful
Connect with me on social: @apotheCaringJen
Join the community: Create THE Life YOU Want To Live/AmplifyMyLife on Facebook

When you’re not Chelsea Handler but have something important to say…
In this straight forward mix of inspiring discussions with some of the best in the small business, psychology, health and wellness spaces, Jen shares highlights from her one-on-one brainstorming client sessions; empowerment workshops; impact retreats; Q+A; and the #lifehacks she’s acquired along her own transformational journey.
Random Thoughts – Some Useful- is sure to inspire you to stop just existing and maintaining and motivate you to begin to thrive!
Join Jen, empowerment coach, small business owner, creative designer and lifestyle photographer as she shares the top tools on how to take your branding ideas from dreams to launch and how to be happy amongst the chaos along the way as she gives you exclusive access to only the best gurus and outlines the exact “how to” steps, so you can begin creating THE life you truly desire!
Random Facts About Me
I’m a super nerd of all things open mindset, change in perspective, personal growth, self empowerment, concious living, christ conciousness, love better, healthy relationships, efficiency, daily method of operations, morning routine, list making, template worthy, creating, pretty making, foodie, photography, dogmom.
I’m super picky about my food. I prefer to eat organic and all plant based-pesticide free.
I enjoy delicous healthy food and enjoy sharing those recipes.
I’ve read countless books on health and wellness and how to heal yourself and enjoy spending time coaching others on how to meal plan, shop, prep and cook tasty meals in their homes.
I most enjoy working with young aspiring entrepreneurs aka known as #millennials. I actually find them the to be the most enjoyable age group third to 0-11 and 55+. I definetly see them as our future.
We can learn a whole lot from them; and if we learned to capitalize on their strengths and helped them gain confidence in their weaknesses we’d actually be able to accomplish way more collectively.
I’m #thatdogmom and I #housesit and #petsit for my exclusive clients and document the adventures @thelildogchronicles on instagram page if you want to keep up with that part of my life.
It definitely serves as comedy entertainment as well as helps me have more of an active and social lifestyle. Plus have you ever tried to get professional quality photos of animals?? Small animals that move quickly and have quirky personalities??? I swear they know what’s happening when I get my phone out- it’s nearly impossible y’all!!
I’m a HUGE family girl… I often post random #sundaydinner at mom and dads clips because again- COMEDY
#sunshinekid I’m a super homebody, outdoorsy type… I LOVE to camp and hike with the hubbs and great friends!
I’d rather be out back around the bonfire than anywhere money can buy!
I try my best to love loud, eat well, meditate, and get outside daily! It all makes life so much more enjoyable today!!
My Beliefs
I believe in kindness and speaking only positive things, period. Seriously, If you don’t have something nice to say-don’t say anything at all!!!!
I believe the best problem solvers know how to ask the best questions and listen to understand before responding
I believe in #toughlove and #acountabilitypartners and taking responsibility for where you are right now!
I believe that we absolutely have the power to create lives that we truly desire if we can let go of the demands and expectations of others begin to pay close attention to our intuition and live more consciously.
I believe it is each and every single conscious human’s responsibility to do absolutely everything they can do every single moment of every day to make sure they love people well, laugh more, love better, and live more peacefully.
I believe our thoughts create feelings that attract our tribe and experiences
I believe perspective is absolutely EVERYTHING!!!
I believe there is 100% infinite power in numbers!
I believe there are many things we just accept as is because they’ve just always been and we have a choice to begin choosing differently.
My Passions
I get super excited when I get to document something really beautiful!!
I totally nerd out on health documentaries and anything psych-self help-personal growth-empowerment!!
I love passing on the #lifehacks I’ve learned along my personal growth journey with anyone that wants to take control of their life and create one they truly enjoy!!!
Join the tribe

Exclusive access to a group of woman entrepreneur mentors
Have you ever needed to talk something out, rationalize your analyzation of your situation but didn’t really have anyone you felt comfortable confiding in because they only give advice from their perspective?
Something that if you had the cash flow to invest in a business consultant or psychotherapist you would but you don’t? This group is for you!
My Dreams
I’m crazy enough to think that if we all work together to shift our perspectives and get stop letting fear control us, we can transform our lives, relationships and careers from where we are now to exactly where we want to be, over night.
All it takes is a shift in the way we think, our daily routines, and choices. It’s actually much more obtainable and much easier than you think…
I also spend a lot of time dreaming of ways to organize the planet so that it functions much more efficiently and productively and exercise my contribution, weekly in my momma’s Tupperware drawer #SHM
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Favorite Moments

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