• Reading time:5 mins read

Right Now

It is no accident that you have come across this post... I believe everything happens for a reason and the people, opportunities and experiences that are meant to help direct us to the next steps we need to take in order to fulfill our purpose on this planet.

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  • Reading time:6 mins read

EP2: Setting The Tone

The moment I realized I didn’t have to keep doing things that no longer served me—that I could release the expectations of others and everything weighing me down—I felt a profound shift. It was as if the suffocating pressure I had carried for so long finally lifted from my chest, leaving room to breathe, dream, and truly live.

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Pro-ACTIVE Liv-ING: Thriving in Every Moment

For years, I went through the motions—settling for lackluster jobs, enduring verbally abusive managers, and staying in relationships that drained me. Why? Fear. Fear whispered lies: “You’ll ruin your résumé with too many jobs.” “You’ll never find a real career.” “You’ll seem ungrateful if you leave.” “What if you can’t find something better?” “You’ll look like a failure.” Fear kept me stuck. It convinced me that I couldn’t do better, be better, or have better. But here’s the truth I’ve learned: Fear is a liar, and you don’t have to listen to it anymore. You deserve more. You deserve to thrive—to grow, to flourish, to live the life you’ve been created for. Let’s move past the fear and into the freedom of faith, courage, and intentional living.

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