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Speak Life: Regardless of their prognosis or the size of your fan club

2011, I had this spot burnt off my chest… 2023 biopsy today…

The moral of the story is…

Honestly- I don’t even know anymore…

I guess when they say #precancerous that means RIGHT THEN make a commitment to a #preventingcancer lifestyle 

Because “nothing concerning now” 12 years later “is most likely #skincancer”

Just like how in 2005 the lump in my right breast was #benign… 2023 it’s aggressive breast cancer my hormones are feeding.

I know I am healing both, but I wish I’d known REAL things we can do to help, the importance of good supplements, good gut health, #autoimmunity etc at 25. It’s more than staying out of the sun, and or wearing sunscreen, in fact, I believe all those years of making sure I put sunscreen on at least my face, is likely why I’m here.

That and all the years of eating a #nofatdiet to support my first husband’s self-imposed dietary restrictions in an effort to lose weight and tone. 

#vitamindisessential and sunscreen contain numerous toxic chemicals. 

So many pieces to the equation, ingredients to the recipe for disaster I’m living. 

To keep it all in perspective, it’s fine. It’s really not the frightening thing we view it as before we walk this journey. 

We have choices.

Information is quite literally at your fingertips. 

PLEASE do your own research before you say yes to drastic measures.

Three months since I heard “In three months you’ll be begging me to save your life if you don’t take this- so aggressive you may not be able to continue after 3 months- aggressive chemo. 

God has a plan; which could include a shorter life span than we all just expect. 

Until then, I will choose #blindfaith in Jesus, the #powerofprayer and healing, and enjoying life, regardless of their prognosis or the size of my fan club.

#KNOWTHIS you truly speak life and death with your tongue.

If you don’t have anything positive and encouraging to say, #keepyourmouthclosed

This is your daily #psa











