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Key Insights from an Oklahoma Bankruptcy Attorney: Tax, Disability Payments, and Medical Bills

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Navigating bankruptcy can be stressful and confusing, especially when dealing with taxes, disability payments, and medical bills. Recently, I had the opportunity to meet with Attorney Chris Mudd in OKC, and I learned some valuable insights worth sharing.

  1. Tax Requirements for Filing Bankruptcy:**

Contrary to common belief, you do not have to be caught up on your taxes to file for bankruptcy. This revelation can significantly alleviate stress for those overwhelmed by back taxes and financial struggles.

2. Protection of Disability Payments:**

Disability payments are safeguarded from garnishment. This provides critical financial security for those relying on these payments, ensuring they remain untouched during bankruptcy proceedings.

3. Timing for Filing Bankruptcy:**

Attorney Mudd advised that you should wait until all medical bills have been finalized before filing for bankruptcy. Once you file, you cannot include any debts incurred after the filing date. Proper timing is crucial to ensure all your debts are covered.

These insights have caused me much delay and stress over the years, so I felt it was important to share them. 

For non-attorney but legal-related assistance, reach out to Joanna Glover at Easy Paralegal FAST! With years of experience and a genuine care for her clients, she’s the go-to person for many. Tell her I said hi! Note that I don’t receive any commission for referrals; I just genuinely appreciate her work and dedication.

If you have any questions or need legal advice, consider reaching out to professionals who can guide you through the process and ensure your rights and assets are protected.








