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Mindset Matters

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:3 mins read

If only I’d understood the importance of a healthy mindset before my first- any one of my relationships, or life for that matter.  As hurtful as being in a relationship with an unhealed traumatized person lacking healthy coping skills is, had I learned this concept before I began dating, I probably never would have begun. 

I still hold faith everyday that there are healthy handsome hero’s out there, one picked just for me and I know they exist, my brother is the greatest example of this. 

If I were to recall one thing I wish I would have done differently while raising my daughter is I wish I could have realized all of this in my early 20s before ever adopting her so that I could have lived the life I imagine while she was young rather than coming into such realization while she was in her most impressionable and formative years. 

Hind sight is always 20/20, God’s timing, God’s plan, everything happens for a reason… 

The reason is usually because you either allowed it or envisioned it. There is power in focused/repetitive thought.  Even more power in numbers with the same collective thought.

We have the power to change everything. Choice determines it all.

I hope you choose to hold happy, hopeful, healthy thoughts for you, your loved ones, our communities, our country, our world.

Pay attention to what you place after “i am” and “we are”. 

You might just get what you spend the most time fearing. 

I love you.

Love you.












