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Medley Cares

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Have you ever heard anyone say “volunteering just makes me feel good” and you think “yeah right, you’re crazy”? 

Hear me out…

It’s 1:00pm, I’ve been up since 4, SO many tasks that need to be done YESTERDAY, but pause for 3 hours and gather with mostly strangers, listen to their direction, cardio and weights for 2 hours, clean up and drive back to finish work at my desk for an hour…

Ummm okay…

It’s 6:45pm and I feel the best mentally and physically, I’ve felt in a very long time.

There’s truth in what “they” say…

At least for me anyway…

Grateful to work for a company that encourages community outreach.





If you’d like to read more about this program, you can check out our webpage:

I should have our post on todays experience up tomorrow morning so check back for more!

Oh and I didn’t workout at at a gym for two hours! Our team volunteered to sort through pallets of boxes of food. Lots of lifting and bending and nonstop back and forth from one station to the next!  I truly had the best time!💚