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Airplane Mode: Absolute Game Changer

Airplane Mode!

Being an entrepreneur- the amount of different tasks listed for the day can leave you feeling nearly insane…

Staying focused long enough to complete said tasks can feel nearly impossible; especially in todays electronic age…

Setting my devices to #airplanemode during times I really need to focus uninterrupted has been an absolute #gamechanger in my productivity!

Being a recovering codependent, initially, I experienced guilt when implementing this concept; but eventually rationalized how practical and acceptable this truly is…

When you work at an office for someone else- your personal cell phone [most likely] is put away during business hours. If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you must set office hours and hold yourself to these boundaries.

My bestie and mentor, Regina Pereira, teaches “you can’t pour from an empty cup– get out all them straws! Fill that sucker up until it overflows and SERVE FROM THE SAUCER!”.

We must take good care of ourselves so that we may take good care of others.

We must lead by example if we wish to see the same in the world.