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Dream BIG: “God wants to show out!”

My brain is over analytical, it’s just how it’s wired.  It picks up on patterns and short circuits when things seem more difficult than they are worth. Somewhere along my path I was inspired to look for the how rather than accept the excuses on why it won’t work. Don’t tell me no, let’s talk about how.

Gods timing is so perfect.  When you pray circles around your audacious prayers, HE delivers. It’s almost as if my life repeats every seven yearsish…

I’m in awe of the similarities between life events, books, and concepts and patterns of new best ways and thoughts and focus.

“I’m dreaming again” well for me, I’m dreaming BIG again! 

Please pray for answered prayers. If God permits, it will be so life changing.  I just can’t express the blessing, and blessings that will come to so many! 











