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Cheers to twenty five years! Celebrating great friends

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Last night was my 25 year class reunion and it felt so great to hear “wow you look great!” And “I’m so glad to see and hear you are doing so well” from so many.  My response was a consistent “I’m not taking chemo” but it’s so much more than that…  It’s all the love, prayer, belief, and encouragement, but mostly,

I’m soaking up the love.

I’m breathing in all the life giving good vibes and prayers. 

I’m taking time to love myself more and enjoy life more.

We all picked up right where we left off and really enjoyed our time. 

With all the loss we’ve all shared and the uncertainty of today, we made a pact to do this every summer rather than waiting for the next 10.

Our small graduating class of 83 is much smaller today, than back in ‘98. 






