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That’s the plan

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  • Post category:Mind
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Has your Doctor ever taken your hand and held it while she prayed commanding prayers for your healing? 

Mine did today… needless to say- my hunt for a pcp is now over and my mind couldn’t be more blown by the quality of care I received today- for the first time- in my life! 

I cried.

A lot.

Tears of relief. 

This woman said she would teach me how to eat strictly keto, monitor my blood work and imaging, support my desire to drastically change my diet and lifestyle and desire to choose alternative treatments rather than chemo- again- and this time much more aggressive. 

While my oncologist and surgeons have been full-court-press “aggressive chemo for aggressive breast cancer, or I will die” and “patients that try the ‘natural’ route are back begging me for their life in 3 months”. 


I’m sad for the world.

I believe in this doctor- I never imagined I would utter those words.

I believe in the treatment plan we’ve agreed on:

Continue ketogenic lifestyle, ozone therapy and intravenous vitamin C; all the supplements, tinctures, oils, meditation, movement, etc. and see where we are in 3 months. 

So that’s the plan…

Prayers for healing.

Gratitude for a life changing doctor.

Know, thy will be done.

I love you







