you CAN have the life of your dreams…

You can have that thriving business you can’t wait to get to work on every morning, with endless rewards…

The freedom and flexibility to work anywhere you want, having more time for what really matters…

And make an impact, empowering endless amounts of other aspiring game changers…

now is your time

To create a thriving business that provides the freedom and flexibility for you to be anywhere you want at anytime- never missing another event because of work.

To dramatically transform your brand, your business, your life and relationships from frustration and overwhelm to peaceful and joyful.

To attract the clients of your dreams and scale your income while doing what you love, living THE Life YOU truly want!

About me

I’m Jen! 


My life’s mission is to empower others, especially young women, to live their best life, now, among all the expectations and chaos.


Are you tired of frustration and overwhelm?


Do you feel lost or uninspired? 


Do you dream of owning a business but have no idea where to start or don’t believe you have what it takes to be successful?


Have you spent too much time listening to the advice of those around you, discouraging you from the things you feel inspired to do?


I work with High-Achieving Female Entrepreneurs; who are serious about CREATING THE LIFE THEY WANT TO LIVE!


All this takes is

Get clear on EXACTLY how you want your day-to-day to feel… physically, mentally and your business.


Transform your mindset, daily methods of operation and daily routines; eliminating frustration and overwhelm.

Design beautiful content that uniquely represents your brand and mission and, how YOU will stand out online.


Learn how to leverage the power of social media to attract your ideal clients, and reach and impact the lives of thousands.

Begin creating the business of your dreams – finally feel worthy of charging what you deserve.


Grow confident trusting your intuition, living outside expectations and walking the path you’re being lead to walk.

All it takes is

My first brick and mortar business turned into a full on restaurant; that began as a “Wellness Center”!


There are no words for the complete overwhelm and utter frustration I felt when faced with closing my “baby”!


I’m here to help you sift through all the ins and outs of Small Business Entrepreneurship.


 Seasoned, or just starting out, I wish I had one of me when I began my last business venture!


I’d love to help you navigate this exciting journey!

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What happy clients are saying

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When you’re not Chelsea Handler but have something important to say… 


In this straight forward mix of inspiring discussions with some of the best in the small business, psychology, health and wellness spaces, Jen shares highlights from her one-on-one brainstorming client sessions; empowerment workshops; impact retreats; Q+A; and the #lifehacks she’s acquired along her own transformational journey.  


Random Thoughts – Some Useful- is sure to inspire you to stop just existing and maintaining and motivate you to begin to thrive! 


Join Jen, empowerment coach, small business owner, creative designer and lifestyle photographer as she shares the top tools on how to take your branding ideas from dreams to launch and how to be happy amongst the chaos along the way as she gives you exclusive access to only the best gurus and outlines the exact “how to” steps, so you can begin creating THE life you truly desire!

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